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How the fitness business is rewiring itself in times of a pandemic.

Updated: Jun 22, 2020

Close to 7 years back I signed up for Crossfit in Bangalore. The CrossFit community was still nascent and many gym goers would cringe, laugh and be skeptical of the new ways of working out. 2 sets of 20 min workouts with stretching, warmup and cool down would leave us well spent. We were a fairly small group at first, this had its own privileges and each one of us would push each other through a fairly grueling WOD aka work out of the day in teams of 4–6. Over time the community feel of working out together made me never go back to a standard gym.

Fast forward to this week and it’s for the very first time where we have been locked out of our box for this long, it’s not that I have not missed classes thanks to vacation, etc but this enforced lockdown has been a first of its kind.

Read more about my observation on how our fitness community rewired itself around digital in a 3 min Medium read, here.

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